What is a deep dive?

A deep diving is considered one that is done at a depth of more than 18 meters and less than 40 meters. The absolute maximum limit for recreational dives is 40 meters deep. This is because the safety parameters, procedures and recreational diving equipment are not made or tested for greater depths. To dive to greater depths of 40 meters it is necessary to have a certification in technical diving.

Although 40 meters is the absolute maximum, in practice 30 meters deep is the recommended maximum. The reasons for not diving more than 30 meters are as follows: Sunlight is dimmer, so visibility is very poor; the diver may have effects of nitrogen narcosis; background times become very short; and finally, the tank air runs out much faster.

Deep Diving

Reasons for deep diving

  • Different marine life: At greater depths inhabit animals and vegetation that are not visible on the surface.
  • Different topography: Many times it is only possible to see large rock formations, high cliffs, caverns and other strange formations at depths of more than 20 meters.
  • Diving in currents: At certain depths you can find currents that allow you to effortlessly dive great distances.
  • Rare or better preserved shipwrecks: Many of the shipwrecks are close to the surface, but there are also very interesting and rare shipwrecks that can be found deep inside. In addition, being deeper where there is less oxygen, these wrecks are in a better state of conservation. There are sunken vessels that still have their original painting.
  • Adventure and beat your personal record: While deep diving involves greater risks, this can be what motivates and excites the diver. In addition one always wants to beat his personal depth record. As long as the knowledge and training required, the proper procedures are carried out and done professionally, deep diving is a safe activity.

Deep diving areas in Lima

In Pucusana there are two deep diving areas that can be easily reached by boat: “La Lobera” where you can go down to 30 meters and “Baja Huaman” where you can descend to 33 meters. In Pucusana, boats are available every day that can transport divers to these areas. From the small port to these dive spots, it only takes about 20 minutes by boat.

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